High quality, Low overhead

About Us
United Perfectum is a custom software development company committed to providing quality IT solutions that facilitate and add value to our clients’ businesses. We offer a full spectrum of custom software services, including web and mobile application development. NIX Solutions is our trusted partner with more than 2000 world-class IT specialists working on each of our projects.

As a Certified Microsoft Application Development Gold Partner, we are equipped with the tools and resources to deliver the best quality of software development services and solutions to our clients.

Agile Methodologies

Our software development approach allows for an accelerated time-to-market and cost efficiency

Thorough Business Analytics and Skills

To ensure the most suitable solution, we base our implementation on a detailed study of your current scenario and deliberate elaboration of your business ideas

Tailored Collaboration Approach

With flexible contract terms, onsite availability, and payment methods, as outsourcing software developers, we aim to work with you in a way that works for you

Tailored Collaboration Approach

With flexible contract terms, onsite availability, and payment methods, as outsourcing software developers, we aim to work with you in a way that works for you.

Superior Customer Support

We provide complete project transparency, adjustable work hours, and local representatives for immediate assistance in North America, Scandinavia, the UK, and Eastern Europe.

Superior Customer Support

We provide complete project transparency, adjustable work hours, and local representatives for immediate assistance in North America, Scandinavia, the UK, and Eastern Europe.

End-to-End Service

Our offerings cover all stages of the software development life cycle — from business analysis, design, and prototyping to the development, implementation, quality assurance, post-project maintenance, and support — so that you can focus on running your company.

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Our Israeli Headquarter

Boris Tyomkin

Founder & CEO

Alla Kutenko


Natalia Natanzon

Executive Manager

Koral Darshan

Sales Director

Dima Tregubenko

Head of Sales

Alina Libin


Elad Malikov



      United Perfectum as outsourced developer successfully works for major corporations dealing with various fields, such as:

Due to our privacy policy and contractual obligations, we do not publicly disclose our client`s names and details of the projects. These references are available upon request.

Please click on the button and we will forward to you information about our clients’ experience with us.

How We Work?

Managed Dedicated Team

A Managed Dedicated Team is suitable for medium and large projects involving multiple software features and requires careful oversight from your end. United Perfectum assembles a team of qualified software application developers that fully covers your needs and works solely on your project.

For this setup, you (the client) will need to assign a client-side in-house tech expert and/or project manager who will manage the team directly and fully control the development process. The result is an environment of direct communication and management, along with transparency and a high level of control.

Managed Services

Managed Services works best for Customer or Tech Support, QA, system administration, including network maintenance and server support, SEO, outsource .NET programmer services, and Internet marketing.

United Perfectum will provide a dedicated team of outsource web developers to run your IT asset or object on your behalf, discovering and fixing problems and deploying updates before they negatively affect your business. We will take care of your day-to-day IT operations so you can dedicate all of your time and resources to running your business.

Fixed Cost

A fixed Cost model is an ideal choice for small and medium scope projects. After a detailed discussion about the project’s deliverables, milestones, predefined time frame, and a fixed budget, United Perfectum will tailor an exclusive self-dependent team to implement and bring your idea to life.

This model demands a clear definition of requirements, specifications, and schedules before the start of the project development. Collaborating with United Perfectum in this way, the project is completed within the agreed budget and timeframe with no extra effort or manpower from your side.

Time And Material (T&M)

Time and Material (T&M) model fits large and medium projects with an unknown size or changing project requirements. You agree to pay United Perfectum a set amount per hour plus the cost of materials.

This requires a clear definition of the scope of the task and monitoring of the project progress. T&M model allows you to change priorities economically and painlessly, and maintain work process on the fly.


Product Development Solutions — Ups and Downs

Getting started A US-based startup business promised investors a product like no other—an application made for medicare businesses that could track arrangements, grants, and expenditures—all in compliance with state, federal, and international reporting,

Read More


Are you interested in a career with United
Perfectum? We are always looking to hire
new talent and self-motivated sales
people to join our Israel office!

To apply, please fill form below.
We look forward to your application!

Or send your CV to: 
[email protected]

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We are searching for:

Salesforce Implementer

We are looking for a Senior Salesforce Implementer who is passionate about building products that customers love.

For the full Details – click here

Applay for Salesforce Job here:

Or send your CV to: 
[email protected]

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      United Perfectum 

Our approach provides the full spectrum of custom software services, including web and mobile application development.

© United Perfectum Ltd, 2023.  Privacy Policy


Green Kfar Saba mall,
6th floor, 3 Rapaport St.
4465141, Kfar Saba, Israel