While we have our favorites—Java, C, and Objective C—there are many more programming languages. Clients approach programmers with requests to build websites, mobile applications, and even operating systems. The problem is, most do not know what the best programming language is for their specific purpose.

So, without further ado, here are four of the top programming languages of 2017 and their specific purposes:


If operating systems could talk, they would speak in PHP. Even though PHP is among the simplest programming languages—with its minimal use of punctuation marks and strategic use of syntax—it is still one of the most famous and widely used languages available. Websites such as Facebook, Tumblr, and Yahoo! show off the various features that PHP has to offer. Our developers have created many interactive websites using PHP alone.


JavaScript is one of the most widely used languages in the world. Because it can be used to build computer programs, websites, and iOS games, among others, many developers have fallen in love with JavaScript.

What’s more, since it is a relatively simpler language, many beginners choose to learn JavaScript, as well. The best part is, since this language is so well-known, most programs are compatible with it. Some programs even require the installation of JavaScript just so that they will work.


Ruby on Rails, or Ruby for short, is among the simplest programming languages ever developed—and yet it is also among the most powerful. Using Ruby, programmers make interactive web applications.


C++ is a language that was built based on C. It improves on its predecessor by allowing more functionality for web pages. As proof of the many features available to C++ programmers, we want you to go to facebook.com, tumblr.com, and yahoo.com. All those websites were built with C++, and they work flawlessly and beautifully.

As proven by the many different functions of the four presented languages, each programming language is special. And different languages need to be used to attain certain goals. In our next post, we will present another four languages to further explain the purpose of programming languages.