Internet of Things

The Internet of Things reaches across industries and across the globe, so if your company needs a stable and seamless transition into it, United Perfectum experts are ready to help.

Our team offers a wide range of IoT solutions, from consulting to providing the platforms that will access the best information out of connected devices.

We provide solutions for such domains using IoT


Connected Factories,
Connected Machines

Retail Business

Analytics software,
Business operations


Solutions for connecting cars, aviation, mass transit, roadways.

Smart Home

A solution for home monitoring, connecting all the devices in your house with a simple application, which you can use to control and track heating, cameras, appliances and more.


IoT can be used to supplement patient treatment through remote monitoring and communication, and to keep track of patients as they move through a healthcare facility.

Grow your IoT business

We offer a full spectrum of products and services that deliver connectivity, reliability, and security needed for IoT systems.

  • IoT Applications
  • IoT Platforms
  • IoT Advisory
  • Data Analytics
  • Connectivity Management and Automation

United Perfectum offers you a powerful advantage in understanding the fast-moving world of the Internet of Things. The success of a business idea requires an evolution in infrastructure, strategy, and technology.

We’ll connect your ideas, provide full lifecycle development from concept definition to production and support to build an IoT solution that will achieve your business goals.